D2a - Temporary work
- D2a1 - What is to be understood by the term temporary work agency operator?
- D2a2 - What is to be understood by temporary work?
- D2a3 - Who may operate as a temporary work agency operator?
- D2a4 - What is a hiring-out contract?
- D2a5 - In what form must a hiring-out contract be concluded?
- D2a6 - What are the details that must be set out in a hiring-out contract?
- D2a7 - In what circumstances can a hiring-out contract be used?
- D2a8 - What is to be understood by an assignment contract?
- D2a9 - In what form must an assignment contract be drawn up?
- D2a10 - What are the details which must be set out in an assignment contract?
- D2a11 - May the assignment contract provide for a probationary period?
- D2a12 - May the assignment contract be broken off during the trial period?
- D2a13 - Must the assignment contract include a fixed contractual period?
- D2a14 - What is the maximum duration of an assignment contract?
- D2a15 - May an assignment contract be renewed?
- D2a16 - What happens if work continues in the user company without any contract?
- D2a17 - May the user company recruit the temporary worker at the end of the assignment?
- D2a18 - Upon expiry of the assignment contract, may a new assignment contract be signed?
- D2a19 - What are the responsibilities of the user company and of the temporary work agency operator during the period of the assignment of temporary workers?
- D2a20 - What are the rights of a temporary worker?
- D2a21 - May an assignment contract be cancelled before the end of the contractual period?
- D2a22 - Are the provisions relating to temporary work applicable to temporary work agencies established abroad and which post the temporary workers to Luxembourg territory?
- D2a23 - In what cases it possible to have recourse to temporary employees?
- D2b - Employment of pupils and students during school holidays
D2c - Employment of pupils and students outside school holidays
- D2c1 - May a student be employed outside the school holidays?
- D2c2 - What is the maximum duration of such a fixed-term contract (CDD)?
- D2c5 - Must a pupil or student in such case be declared to the social security authorities?
- D2c6 - Are students employed under a fixed-term contract (CDD) entitled to statutory leave?
- D2c7 - May students employed under a fixed-term contract (CDD) be granted the rights relating to statutory public holidays?
- D2c8 - May pupils and students employed under a fixed-term contract (CDD) work on Sundays?
D2d - Internships for pupils and students
- D2d2 - Must an internship provided in the context of education be the subject of a traineeship agreement?
- D2d3 - Who is to be regarded as an internship supervisor?
- D2d4 - What details must without fail be included in an internship agreement organised in connection with education?
- D2d5 - By whom must internship agreements set up in connection with education be signed?
- D2d7 - What is to be understood by a practical internship with a view to acquiring vocational experience?
- D2d8 - Must the intern be a pupil or student in order to be able to undertake an internship with a view to acquiring vocational experience?
- D2d9 - What is the maximum duration of practical internships intended to facilitate the acquisition of vocational experience?
- D2d10 - By whom must internship agreements established in relation to a practical internship for the acquisition of vocational experience be signed?
- D2d11 - What details must without fail be included in the agreement under which the internship is undertaken with a view to acquiring vocational experience?
- D2d13 - Is the number of practical internships taking place in a single undertaking limited?
- D2d14 - Is it possible to assign a pupil or student undertaking an internship to tasks requiring an output comparable to that of a normal employee?
- D2d15 - Must an intern have a tutor allocated to him by the internship supervisor?
- D2d16 - Must the internship supervisor keep a register of internships?
- D2d17 - What is the situation where an internship agreement is concluded on a part-time basis?
- D2d18 - What other provisions of the Labour Code are applicable to internships?
- D2d19 - What are the age limits applicable to internships?
- D2d20 - Can an internship contract be assimilated to an employment contract?
- D2d21 - Do disputes regarding internship agreements fall within the jurisdiction of the labour court?
D2e - Apprenticeship
- D2e1 - What is to be understood by an apprenticeship?
- D2e2 - What are the prerequisites for an apprenticeship?
- D2e3 - What is the status of the person who is to receive training?
- D2e4 - What apprenticeship training is available under the new scheme?
- D2e5 - Who are the parties to an apprenticeship contract?
D2f - Employment Initiation Contract (CIE)
- D2f1 - What is to be understood by an employment initiation contract?
- D2f2 -Is the employment initiation contract subject to the same rules as the employment contract?
- D2f3 - Who can benefit from an employment initiation contract?
- D2f4 - What must an employer do to recruit a job-seeker via an employment initiation contract?
- D2f5 - What is the duration of an employment initiation contract?
- D2f6 - What allowance must the beneficiary of an employment initiation contract be paid?
- D2f7 - How can the employer terminate an employment initiation contract?
- D2f8 - Can the beneficiary of a CIE terminate his contract?
- D2f9 - Are the beneficiaries of a CIE entitled to statutory leave?
D2g - Extraterritoriality
- D2g1 - What is to be understood by extraterritoriality?
- D2g2 - Does an embassy enjoy absolute immunity from jurisdiction?
- D2g3 - Does the conclusion of an employment contract with an employee constitute an act of a public authority giving rise to immunity from jurisdiction?
- D2g4 - Is work carried out inside a diplomatic mission to be regarded as having been carried out in the State to which the diplomatic mission is accredited?
- D2g5 - May the host state control the working conditions of the employees of an embassy?
D2h - International employment contracts
- D2h1 - What is an international employment contract?
- D2h2 - May the parties freely choose the law applicable to an employment contract?
- D2h3 - What is to be understood by “binding provisions”?
- D2h4 - Must the parties expressly indicate the applicable law within the employment contract itself?
- D2h5 - What is the situation if the employment contract does not refer to a specific law?
- D2h6 - What court has jurisdiction where elements of the employment contract are located in different countries?
- D2h7 - What rules on jurisdiction apply in the European Union?
- D2h8 - Before what court may proceedings by an employee against his employer be brought?
- D2h9 - Before what court may proceedings be brought by an employer against one of his/its employees?
- D2h10 - What rules of jurisdiction apply outside the European Union?