- D2h1 - What is an international employment contract?
- D2h2 - May the parties freely choose the law applicable to an employment contract?
- D2h3 - What is to be understood by “binding provisions”?
- D2h4 - Must the parties expressly indicate the applicable law within the employment contract itself?
- D2h5 - What is the situation if the employment contract does not refer to a specific law?
- D2h6 - What court has jurisdiction where elements of the employment contract are located in different countries?
- D2h7 - What rules on jurisdiction apply in the European Union?
- D2h8 - Before what court may proceedings by an employee against his employer be brought?
- D2h9 - Before what court may proceedings be brought by an employer against one of his/its employees?
- D2h10 - What rules of jurisdiction apply outside the European Union?