D2c8 - May pupils and students employed under a fixed-term contract (CDD) work on Sundays?

No legal provision prohibits pupils and students of full age working under a CDD outside the school holidays from working on Sundays.

For all Sunday work, the increases of salary provided for by the general law apply (FAQ D5e6):

Sunday work confers on employees the right to an increase of remuneration of 70% for each hour worked on a Sunday.

Employees working on a Sunday are entitled to compensatory rest corresponding to:

  • a full day, if the Sunday work lasted more than 4 hours;
  • a half day, if the Sunday work did not exceed 4 hours.

In cases of compensatory rest, only the supplement of 70% is due.

It should be noted that where work has not exceeded 4 hours, the compensatory rest must be granted before or after 1 p.m. and on that day the period of work may not exceed five hours.

In contrast, pupils and teenage students between 16 and 18 years old and employed under a fixed-term contract may not be employed on Sundays, subject to the exceptions provided for by Article L.344-13 of the Labour Code (FAQ D5h13).

In any such case, the specific increases for Sunday work by teenagers apply:

  • During the period of twelve days immediately following the Sunday or statutory public holiday worked, a full compensatory rest day must be granted for the Sunday or statutory legal holiday spent in the service of the employer.
  • Supplement of 100%.

It is to be noted that teenagers must be excused from working on one Sunday out of every two, with the exception, for the hospitality and catering industry, of the months of July and August, when that limitation does not apply.

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