A work organisation plan (WOP) covering foreseeable activity of the company must be designed so as to enable every employee, and his direct hierarchical superior, to ascertain unequivocally the work schedule applicable to him; it does not however have to mention names.
Every WOP to be drawn up will contain the following details, or else will be void:
- the start and end of the reference period and the start and end of the length of the WOP;
- the normal work schedule enabling every employee to familiarise himself with his work organisation, that is to say the hours of work per day and per week and also the start and end of daily work;
- the days on which the company is closed, statutory and customary public holidays and individual and/or collective leave;
- the weekly rest of 44 consecutive hours and, where applicable, the compensatory leave due if that rest is not granted.
It may extend to all employees or be limited to employees in only certain parts of the company.
Every company may, however, supplement the content of the WOP and its duration may be changed by agreement with the staff committee or, if there is none, with the employees concerned.
Moreover, the length of the WOP may not be less than one month unless the reference period is less than one month, in which case the length of the WOP must correspond to the duration of the reference period.