
The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines is the administrative authority for the tunnels on the Trans-European road network that are over 500 metres long, such as the Markusbierg, Mondorf, Stafelter, Grouft, Gousselerbierg, Mersch and Micheville tunnels, whether they are in operation, under construction or in the planning phase.

The safety legislation regarding certain road tunnels aims to ensure a minimum level of safety for road users in the tunnels, by preventing critical elements that could present a danger to human life, to the environment and to the tunnel installations, as well as by offering protection in the event of accidents.

The ITM’s mission is to ensure that all of the safety aspects related to these tunnels are adhered to, and it takes the necessary measures to ensure conformity with the applicable legislation.

To do this, the ITM conducts regular periodic checks of the tunnels with a view to guaranteeing adherence to the minimal security requirements. In the event that these checks are outsourced to third party monitoring agencies, the ITM verifies that the checks have been carried out effectively.

The ITM also examines the safety records of the different tunnels at regular intervals, in close collaboration with the Chief Safety Officer for the tunnels and the tunnel manager, represented by the National Roads Administration (Administration des ponts et chaussées).

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