D5a4 - How may working hours be spread over the days of the week?

Duration of daily work in the case of weekly working hours spread over 5 days or fewer

If weekly working hours are spread over 5 days or fewer, the normal working hours may automatically be raised to 9 hours per day provided that the total weekly working hours do not exceed the normal weekly working hours prevailing in the undertaking.


“The normal weekly working hours are 40 hours per week, spread as follows: from Monday to Friday 9 hours and on Friday morning 4 hours.”

Weekly working hours spread over more than 5 days of the week

If the weekly working hours are spread over more than 5 days of the week, the parties to an employment contract are in principle free to determine the allocation of working hours to the working days in the week, whilst observing the daily limits of 8 hours and weekly limits of 40 hours.

Working hours in excess of the above limits are to be regarded as overtime.

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