Steps and Procedures for Social Elections

We recommend manually entering the data when completing the procedures on

Any other type of data input, such as using "copy-paste," may compromise the quality of the generated documents that will be returned to you (e.g., ballot templates, display of candidacies, etc.).


The new provisions on social elections indicate that the following administrative steps must henceforth without fail be taken by electronic means via the interactive and secure electronic platform

  1. election notice concerning organisational arrangements for social elections;
  2. notice concerning the time limit for complaints about electoral lists;
  3. disclosure of candidates;
  4. declaration of the results of electoral operations;
  5. declaration of the functions of the staff delegation.

It is to be noted that all the other administrative steps relating to the social elections (application for a number for a trade union/group of employees, application for postal voting, compilation of alphabetical lists, receipt of candidatures, etc.) will have to be carried out in accordance with the arrangements laid down by the relevant legal provisions or regulations.

For further information concerning the various steps to be taken, please consult our handbook, our instruction manual on how to create and manage your business eSpace and the information portal

Finally, in view of the new rules resulting from the General Data Protection Regulation ("RGPD") the National Commission for Data Protection ("CNPD") has published the guidelines on data protection rules in the context of social elections, available on the CNPD website.

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